The following taxi numbers might be of use, particularly if you are travelling by train to Wool or Wareham and need to organise transport to and from the festival site. Please note that taxis drop off and pick up at the main Lulworth Castle entrance (via White Gate):
Wool & Wareham Taxis:
A1 Taxis (Wool): 07758130281
Celctic Cabs: 01929 463311 / 077255 17754
Devine Cars: 07730 418046
Durdle Door Cabs: 01929 44 45 46
E Z Riders Taxis: 01929 556 575
Excel Taxis Wareham: 01929 448066
Garrison: 01929 463 395
Jurrasic Cars: 01929 558 119
Kings Kabs: 01929 554223 / 07872 824167
Phil's Cabs: 07824 492463
Purbeck Taxi Services: 01929 500 604
Ride Out Cabs: 01929 788007
Silver Cars: 01929 400409
Station Cars: 01929 550 123
Wareham Forest Taxis: 07902 924131
Xways Cars: 01305 854719