Beneath the canvas, and waggon facade you will find the craft village which hosts a diverse range of hands-on rural craft workshops for all ages. They are all designed to lure you into creativity, heritage crafts and give you the skills and satisfaction of making something yourself!
When you are done, kick back fireside and soak in stories, music and jamborees for all ages.
Who is Spinney Hollow?
Spinney Hollow is a non-for profit woodland project on the outskirts of Winchester, Hampshire run by Geoff and Kate (with a lot of distraction from our small children!). We build waggons and field shelters amongst other green woodwork projects, run creative and crafty outreach workshops and sometimes we find time to burn charcoal too. We are currently designing and a secluded woodland amphitheatre, for more information about us / to get involved or simply to say hello, check out @spinneyhollow on Facebook/Twitter and Instagram.